The Internet wars finky yesterday, so I didn’t get to blog. If you follow me on Facebook, you can see some pictures I posted from our first school visit—Rajkiya Pratibha Vikes Vidyakaya School in Shalimar Bagh, Delhi. This school is one of Delhi’s best. We were met there by the Minister of Education, treated to a wonderful program featuring the students and guided tours of the school by exceptionally talented students. Once again we received blessings from students, called Puja Thalia, which includes a red dot on saffron on the forehead, a blessing and often flowers. The students preparing to enter the military demonstrated their skills and a group of yoga students preformed what can only be categorized as something similar to Cirque du Sole.
In the afternoon we visited USIEF: Education in India and Opportunities for Collaboration and the Fulbright House, the governing body for all Fulbright Fellowships in India. Each place we visit gives us more and more information and understanding for the educational system in India, My other cohorts and I have discussed much about the effect the daily practices of yoga and meditation have on the students here. Each day all students participate in school wide yoga practice and meditation times are worked into their school day. India is a country of many, many religious faiths, all of which are respected, but the yoga practice and meditation is a connective link that helps center the children, focus their energies on the tasks of the day and regulate their behavior and stress levels. I often use meditation in my classroom, but wonder what effect a more comprehensive approach might have on all of the students at my school. Today we visited a school at the opposite end of the perspective: a primary school for the most marginalized children in Delhi. My impression: children are children, no matter their circumstances. Bright and enthusiastic, the children today shined, demonstrating that if the opportunity is available, all students can thrive. More tomorrow. Thanks for listening.
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